Free shipping AU wide for all in-house products!


We will only ship to the address provided upon checkout. Please verify your information prior to finalising your purchase. RHIDESIGN is not responsible for duties, taxes, or customs fees under any circumstance. Buyer is accountable for any restrictions, duties, taxes, and any other fees collected from the destination country.

All sales are final. Please carefully review your order and verify your information prior to finalising your purchase. There will be no returns or exchanges unless the item is defective.

We will only replace an item if it is defective. To request an exchange, please contact us.

We accept Paypal, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards.
You agree to pay the price for the merchandise in your order at the time you submitted your order and the delivery fees for the shipping service you select. 
We reserve the right to accept, decline or cancel your order for any reason.